Review Showcase - Villages of Valeria

Since the newest expansion ‘Landmarks’ recently released to retail, now seems like a good time to showcase Villages of Valeria and the reviewers that decided to tell the world their thoughts on the game.

Villages of Valeria is a village-building card game set in the world of Valeria. Establish resources, construct buildings, and attract adventurers to your Village to be crowned the next capitol city. Each player takes a turn taking one action and all other players may follow the action but with fewer rewards.

“No two games of VoV will be alike because the amount of cards that come inside the box (and growing with every expansion) gives such a diverse gaming experience that I love playing. If you like any of the Valeria games and you have yet to try Villages of Valeria you MUST find a copy.”

Travis Lopez - Travis has been board gaming all his life, but serious hobby gaming since winter 2011. Thanks to a mall shop owner suggesting some games to him, he has been continuing the "steady plummet into the hobby".

Purple Phoenix games is actually a collaborative project of more than just Travis. There is also Bryan Lopez, Laura Rodriguez, and Josh Hahn as well. You can find more of their work here: Travis’s review of Villages of Valeria can be found here:

"Every time I play this game, it is over before I want it to be, which makes me want to immediately play it again. This is the hallmark of a great game!"

Stuart - Stuart’s blog has the primary purpose of reviewing books and other Catholic media. However he does take time out of his day to do great boardgame reviews as well.

You can find more of his content here: His review of Villiages of Valeria (and the Landmarks expansion) can be found here:

"Villages of Valeria is a quick, fun strategy card game that doesn’t require a PHD to play, with exciting fantasy art."

Hugh J. O’Donnell - Hugh J. O’Donnell is a writer and podcast producer living in Western New York. His short fiction has appeared in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Over My Dead Body! and elsewhere. Hugh is the author of the Ooorah! Award-winning novella The City: A Story in 140 Characters.

You can find more information about him here: His review of Villiages of Valeria can be found here: